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Set up and analyse Multi Channel Conversion Attribution reports

Managing Multi Attribution

The “Multi Attribution” report will be automatically enabled for any new goal you create:

If your website or app has Ecommerce enabled, you will automatically be able to view the attribution for orders in your shop.

On-Premise users: When you first install the plugin, Multi Attribution report will be automatically enabled for all of your goals (when you have 50 goals or less).

Viewing the Multi Channel Conversion Attribution Report

Log in to your analytics and click in the left reporting menu on “Goals” and then “Multi Attribution”.

On this page, you can select the goal you want to see the channel attribution for. If your website or app has the Ecommerce feature enabled, you can see the channel attribution for Ecommerce orders automatically by going to “Ecommerce => Multi Attribution”.

The report lets you select how many days prior a conversion or purchase you want to attribute and you can select various different attribution models to compare.

List of Multi-Channel Attribution Models

You can compare together the following attribution models:

  • Last Interaction: The full credit of a conversion goes to the last interaction.
  • Last Non-Direct Interaction: The full credit of a conversion goes to the last interaction that was not a direct entry.
  • First Interaction: The full credit of a conversion goes to the first interaction.
  • Linear: The credit of a conversion is shared equally across all interactions. If there are for example 5 visits, each channel / referrer gets 20% of the credit.
  • Position Based: The first and the last interaction get each 40% of the credit. The remaining 20% of the credit are shared equally across all remaining interactions.
  • Time Decay: The credit of a conversion is shared across all interactions where more recent interactions become more credit compared to interactions that happened a longer time ago.


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